Wednesday, August 17, 2005

The Call of Nature

Amazing stuff... it's been EIGHT MONTHS since I last blogged. Hahaha... how does anyone not blog for such an extended period of time?! It's just... WRONG!!! Heh. Seriously though. I've resolved to blog regularly from now on... and not as many sermons. Just wanna blog everyday stuff, especially if something funny's happened (preferably not involving me as the butt of the joke) cos hey! everyone looks better with a little smile on their face. :)

Anyhow, my inspiration to start blogging really came from spending the past hour or so reading everyone else's blogs. And the impetus for reading everyone else's blogs came from reading Christine's blog (she's in Canada). And the motivation for reading her blog came from my recollection of Nicky's blog, which is flat-out hilarious (albeit a little vulgar... but I can live with that). And when I say hilarious, I mean HILARIOUS. Not just a snigger or a chuckle. But the sort that has you in stitches howling in laughter and rolling on the floor. I especially like how he always says "gentle reader". It's so LIT! Reminds me of that book I did for EN1101E... Wilkie Collins' "The Moonstone". I've got to use it sometime...

Anyhoo. All this reminiscing is doing you, the gentle reader (YES!!!) not much good. So. As I was saying, was just looking through all the blogs and am really amazed to see what God's been doing in the lives of the youths. I mean, they're really getting to be classic Psalms already... "I had a terrible week blah blah blah... and then God showed up!" kinda entries. And reading all these posts was really encouraging for me as I think it's also God's way of reminding me that He's FOREVER good and in control.

Particularly like Celine's last entry... about how she misses Sydney TRUCKLOADS! Hey girl, join the club! :) It really was the most fun and fabulous trip of my life. Besides Hillsongs conference, the company was simply great. Chris and Jason - my 2 best friends in the church; Aaron - my childhood nemesis turned room buddy; Celine and Jolene - formerly respectable but now I know that they're about as (if not more) SIAO as me; Sheena - our poor penniless friend who was so dying to go back to Singapore and of course, Lixin - girlfriend EXTRAORDINAIRE! :) Late night daidee sessions with the guys which always end in a "winner takes all" round which for some strange reason Jason always wins even though he's been losing all the way. Man. What a great 2 weeks.

I'm so gonna miss Chris when he's gone. Gonna miss his campy, corny, cheesy humour. His ever-ready smile for everyone. His dedication and devotion to serving the youths and God. His funny stories. His words of encouragement. His BMW (oops did I say that?). Gonna miss just hanging out with him. He's really one of the nicest and most fun guys I've ever met, not to mention one of the most God-fearing and God-loving Christians I know. The girl that gets him is BLESSED man. ALMOST as blessed as Lixin but I shall not go into details since there is only so much a head can inflate.

Well. To end this, my first post after eight months, I give you, gentle reader (YES!!!), my most favouritest photo taken in Sydney:

Heh. I took it with one hand on my own with no help at all! Good right! Maybe should send it to National Geographic. Wait... they only publish pictures of flowers and animals...

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