Thursday, August 28, 2003

Biblical Blogging

I think if King David had internet access back in those days, he'd have made one heck of a blogger.

I mean, look at the Psalms. What is it if not an olden-day blog? (albeit a whole lot more lyrical).

Every Psalm is a post. Here's David running for his life from the man whose life and kigdom he helped saved when he slew Goliath. He blogs.

Here's David surrounded by his enemies on every side, and he's surrounded by discontented people. He blogs.

Here's David running for his life from his son Absalom. He blogs.

Here's David in mourning for the son he had out of wedlock with Bathsheba. He blogs.

Every post, every entry, a cry to God for help, for mercy, for vengeance, for relief, for comfort. Every one a pouring out of David's complaint to God.

The poor man, you think. He has every right to complain. He has every right to moan and groan. I mean, for cryin' out loud, his own son was trying to kill him! I mean, this guy's got serious issues man.

But every Psalm David writes follows a particular pattern. Sure, he rants and raves about how miserable his life is. But his Psalms always end off on a totally different note. At the end, he's always declaring the greatness and the goodness of God. He's always putting things back into perspective, that God is always bigger, God is always higher, God is always greater than any problem he could and would ever face. And that God's always on his side (i.e. no matter what, he's always victorious!)

And I guess we have a thing or two to learn from this guy.

Sure, we all have our good days, our bad days, our mad days, our happy and our sad days (thanks SCC). And sure we are entitled to our complaints. But we should, like David, be always assured that our God is bigger than the air we breathe and the world we'll leave (thanks Martin Smith), and that no matter what it is that's bothering us, God's always seated on the throne and He's always in control!

And guess what? He's just a prayer away.

And that's why I want to blog like David blogged.

(Today's post is dedicated to my dear friend Joy Cheng out serving God in Israel. She's the inspiration for me getting started on blogging anyway. Go visit her blog. It's the kind that you just wanna go back to again and again cos her love for people and her love for life and most of all, her love for God just shows through the words. And it truly encourages me to want to live my life for God. And I can only hope that my humble little blog will have the same effect and impact on others as her's has had on me and on anyone else who's been there.)

Saturday, August 23, 2003

"One small step for the swakoo... the hare is far far away in front already lah!" - Anon.

Alright... my first foray into the world of blogging... and I have to go already! Actually typed out a whole bunch of stuff but stupidly clicked something (I have NO IDEA what) and everything disappeared... hmmm...

Will be back soon to update... off to live out my dream of being a 4-star General! Thanks EA Games!
