Friday, December 05, 2003


Finally finished packing (well, whatever I could at least) so thought I'd update before I leave.

In less than 16 hours, I'll be headed for East Timor as part of a Fever100 team under the auspices of LoveSingapore's youth arm, Joshua21.

Am I excited?

You bet.

The events and days leading up to today and to this trip have been nothing but the most awesome testimony of God's faithfulness.

For one, I got through my last 2 exams (yup, the 2 irritating ones after youth camp) pretty breezily, definitely God's help and grace because I only studied for one of the papers, and even then, I barely studied 2 hours for it!

Secondly, my leave for the entire holiday period was approved. And the news came on Saturday morning too, on my way to take my exam... haha. Well actually I called them to ask. The official letter saying it's been approved only came today, the 4th of December. Which is weird because my leave is supposed to start from the 3rd... hmmmm. Well, doesn't really matter now, does it? *grin*

And like I last posted, youth camp was just great. Had lots of fun (fell sick after though, still coughing and sneezing now, pray people!) and God spoke to me in a whole new way.

And the last few days have been just amazing. Been attending the Fever100 conference at Church of Our Saviour and while I really didn't know what to expect on the first morning I went down, that just changed right from the worship. God really came down in a special way through the worship, the sermons, the workshops. I learnt SO MUCH from all the speakers and teachers! Not just through the lessons they teach but from their lives. I was particularly inspired and motivated listening to Joseph Cheah, one of the YWAMmers share his experiences in missions, in reaching out to the UPGs in China. I mean, this guy LOVED God. You could just see and sense His passion and His love for God and for the lost just ooze out of him.

As I was listening to him share, I started to think, oh my, God, I'm not sure I'm up to doing the kind of things that this guy does man. And then God replied me in His still, small voice. He said this: "You're not Joseph Cheah. You don't have to be Joseph Cheah. You're not called to the same things as he is. I will use you greatly too, but in a totally different way. You don't have to travel to China, teach in orphanages or bungee-jump off suspension bridges like he did. You just do what I've called you to." And I'm like, WOW God! The truth that says God has a plan for me was just revealed to me in a brand new way.

Throughout the conference, God kept speaking to me and dealing with me in aspects of my life. To really really summarise as much as I can, God placed a new compassion in my heart for the lost, for the unreached peoples, and He really broke my heart for them. I found myself weeping at every worship service, every sermon. I repented of my pride, my self-righteousness, my perceived racial and even national "superiority". God also began to give me very specific kinda words that were really prophetic. For example, at Tuesday prayer meeting, God spoke very clearly to me about His love, how His love was sacrificial to the point that He gave us His best, His all. And then He asked me, what's my response to that love? At the session the next day, guess what? The theme was on living a sacrificial lifestyle! And even through things that he spoke to my teammates and even through the words preached, they were just so in line with what God was telling me. And I was just totally blown away.

I believe also that God allowed certain situations to come up (not exactly pleasant) to teach me things. For example, something happened on Wednesday night that kinda got me quite upset and discouraged. The next morning, when I was on the bus on my way to the conference, God began to speak to me and told me that I needed to repent and to yield my mind to Him. So I did. Guess what the theme was that day at the conference? It was on Strategic Thinking. And the first thing we did was to place our hands on our minds and begin to ask God to remove the negative and bad thoughts that we had and to yield our minds to Him. I mean, how much clearer can God speak man? I'm sure it's a lot more clearly but this was enough to just knock me over. WOW.

There's so much more to share, I don't have the time... but so like I said, I'm totally looking forward to the trip. God's really done such a work preparing me for it. He's blessed me so much (top-line blessings) for the purpose that I may be able to go to East Timor and radiate His GLORY! (bottom-line responsibility) This was another thing I learnt from the conference, which I will devote a blog to once I'm back, I promise.

To end, just wanna request prayer for my team and even for East Timor as a nation. Pray for us, that we'll truly go down there with a servant's heart, to serve the community, to serve even the missions pastors that are there, and that God's glory would be manifested among the people there. Pray even that we might have a chance to minister to the higher-ranking officials of the government so that they may see Jesus and give Him glory too!

Will be back on the 15th, so till then, take care and keep burning and shining for Jesus!

Jesus I believe in You
I would go to the ends of the earth
To the ends of the earth
For You alone are the Son of God
And all the world will see
That You are God
You are God

Monday, December 01, 2003

Burn, baby, burn!

Don't you just love it when God shows up and totally surprises you?

That's what happened this Youth Camp. God totally blew my mind.

He showed up in ways I'd never have expected (the blackout on the last night, fellow campers?) and truly, truly manifested His glory.

One word. WOW.

Though this camp has been my busiest ever, and I rarely went down for altar calls (only twice, and I was prayed for only one out of those two times), I really felt God leading me in a totally different direction.

Pastor Matt said something that struck me. He said God asked him this: "Why do you have to go to men when you can come straight to me and hear my voice?" And that really hit me because I was wondering why no one came to pray for me when I went down for the full-time altar call. But I could hear God speaking to me very distinctly, telling me what He wanted from me. And without anyone coming to pray over me or say anything, I just fell to my knees and began to weep. And I learnt, in that instant, that God is my PERSONAL Saviour. I don't have to go through St. Peter or Jeremy Seaward or Matt Wakefield to hear God or to experience Him. HE'S REAL and HE SPEAKS TO ME.

One word. WOW.

I think what really really encouraged me this youth camp was to see the response of the Region F youths. I could see that God had done a work in their hearts, a deep work, a NEW work. And it's just great to see them start get crazy for God. I have to say this about one person. I always imagined Joel Leong to be this really laid back, take-it-easy kinda guy. Today he told me we need to start a revolution. I was like... God, this HAS to be you. Now, not saying that Joel used to be *bad* or anything like that in the past, but it's really evidence of something God has done in his heart.

I was reading through the testimonies that the youths submitted. And this thought just stuck in my mind: God, You're just awesome. Stories of lives changed, hearts set on fire for God, visions of preaching in stadiums... I'm really at a loss for words now.

Except for one word. WOW.

To all those who went for youth camp (particularly the Region F youths), I am glad you were there and that you opened up your hearts to hear God speak and challenge. I am proud of the decisions and commitments that you made for God. Keep the fire burning, people. In the words of Joel Leong, let's start a revolution. A revolution in our generation. Let's spur each other on and encourage one another to love Him and to be witnesses for Him.

Friends, hype fades away. But commitment keeps the flame burning. Let's be committed to each other as a youth ministry and see God move in our lives and in the lives of our families, friends, campuses.

Can a nation be changed? Can a nation be saved? Can a nation be turned back to You?

My answer's a resounding YES.