Tuesday, December 14, 2004

The Return of the King (the extended version)... out now on DVD!

Yeah yeah, I know it's been eons since my last blog (and it wasn't technically a post from me either, it was my sister testing out this new hello! software thingie using my blog)... I'm so gonna totally stop making excuses about why I haven't blogged in millenia - but I was busy! - because if anything at all I think I was just - so darn busy! - plain lazy...

And now that I'm finally getting down to it, there's a zillion things I wanna say... but I don't have the time. Hope that doesn't become like my tag-line for my life. I hope I'm always in time to say a simple "I love you" to my loved ones, in time to say "I'm sorry" to those I've offended, in time to say "I forgive you" to those who need absolution (like I'm God...), and "thank you" to those who deserve appreciation. Think I've already gotten started unknowingly though... suddenly had this hunch to buy a bottle of pure honey for my parents this evening at Westmall... and then barely 2 hours later I find out that Mum's sick and the honey'd do her good. Not boasting that I'm such a filial kid or what, but guess it's really God moving in me to love my parents more. So glad I've been able to spend time with my sis as well, especially at children's camp. Am so so so proud of her and the way she handled herself and the kids at camp. She's grown up so much and matured so much spiritually as well. Am so thankful and grateful to God that we're able to talk and have fun like siblings should, not like last time where she complains I'd always reach home, go straight to my room and close the door.

And of course, through this one whole week at camp just working my butt off, really miss just spending quality time with Lixin, especially since she lost her voice like midway through the youth camp. It was really nice sitting on the 'veranda' of her chalet after the night sessions just sharing about what we've learnt during camp, even though her voice was totally hoarse. So glad I got to spend my day with her today, before we're parted (not even SMS!) for the next one week... It's gonna be tough, but I'm so trusting God to take care of her for me while we're not physically together... In fact, I have this feeling He'll do a better job than me...

Also managed to take Chris out for dinner tonight. He's been such a great blessing to the ministry and to me personally as a friend. Can't remember the countless times I've asked him for favours and help regarding this and that and he's always said yes so ungrudgingly... even loaning me winter wear for my Assam trip... Timberland and Polo Ralph! I don't even think I'll dare wear them! But really, I just wanted to bless him back for everything he's done... so often people do so much and get nary a word of thank you... I want to make sure everyone in my life who's done a good job gets at least a thank you from me, for what it's worth. I know how much it means to me, and unless I'm a Vulcan and everyone else is from Earth, then I'm pretty sure everyone appreciates a timely pat on the back. (This is of course only a very broad analogy, everyone knows Vulcans are trained since birth to detach themselves from all emotions and are motivated solely by intellectual and logical reasoning, where everyone = those who watch Star Trek.)

So yes, the point of my blog is this... I'll be making my way to Assam, India tomorrow as part of Fever'04. (HUH?!? No link...) So do keep us (the team) and also the other team going to Jogjakarta in your prayers. I'm so lad we had youth camp just before this, cos God really used it to work in me and deal with certain areas in my life that were really not right. Plus I feel personally that it's really a spiritual launching pad for all of us... preceded of course by Doug Lambert and Pam Seaward (at the Grand Send-off). God's really been doing a deep work in my life the past 2 weeks and I'm so thankful... Can just feel Him restoring and healing me from all hurts and bitterness and feeling me up once again with His Spirit and His joy. So seriously, Esther Wee, that night when praying for you, God was restoring me as much as He was you... and that's why I say He's so faithful...

Well, so much for not knowing what to say. There's plenty more but my NEW! IKEA! BED! is beckoning me. I've had it for barely 2 weeks I think and I've only slept in it one... heh. So nitez people... I'll cya all in a week's time. Till then, be blessed and God be with you all. (Now I sound like a preacher.)

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Monday, September 06, 2004

Us taking a break from helping out at a funfair organised for the kids in a village called Vemasse, in Baucau, East Timor.
 Posted by Hello

Dear Sis. Angeline Ng,

Hey there. Ok, I know you don't know me, maybe you've seen me around (or maybe not), and to be completely honest, I don't really know you either, though I've definitely seen you around. But I wanna thank you for the profound impact you've made in my life.

What's that you did you ask? Well, here's a hint. You did it in 1981. Now, that's just strange. A guy born in 1982 thanking you for something you did in 1981 which had such a great impact on his life 23 years later? Isn't that a little... extreme? Unheard of? Well, that's because it IS, in a world of men and mortals. However, in God's great scheme of things, it falls in pretty neatly, somewhere between the creation of the first man and Adam calling a cow, a cow. Because God's ways are not our ways. And His thoughts? We'd be unicellular amoebae trying to form an idea compared to Him and His wisdom. In fact, Paul puts in so succintly in 1 Corinthians 2:9 - "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love Him."

Still scratching your head? Let's take a little trip down memory lane, shall we? In 1981, VFC (then CCC) sent a church planting team to start a work in the little town of Kota Tinggi in Johor Bahru, West Malaysia. You were part of that team. As a result of your efforts in evangelisation, many came to know the Lord, and a church was established. One of the earliest members of that church was a lady named Pearl. She gave her heart to the Lord, and subsequently, so did her 4 children, who grew up knowing the Lord and learning to serve Him.

So what has that got to do with anything? I'm getting to that in just about 5 lines. As the Lord would have it, Sis. Pearl and her husband decided to send her children to Singapore to study. When they came, they joined and were assimilated into VFC Singapore, region 6 (now F11). And here's how it all falls into place (FINALLY!): If you hadn't been obedient to the call of God and took a step of faith to go to Kota Tinggi, if VFC had not been a missions-sending church, if God had not led you and your team to one Sis. Pearl, she might never have found the Lord and neither would her children. And if they didn't come to know the Lord, I wouldn't have had the opportunity to get to know her daughter, Esther Tan, and today, we wouldn't have been brought together as part of God's great, divine plan.

Before this realisation hit me, I'd always thought of missions as something that affected other people in other countries. True, I believe in missions but I'd never thought it's effects what come back full circle and hit me. But I'm glad it did. Thank you, for being a part of God's plan in bringing Esther and I together. If not for your faithfulness, I'd never even get the chance to meet, let alone fall in love with, such a wonderful girl.

Indeed, if I may say so, missions also played a more direct part in bringing us together. Esther and I went out to East Timor last year as part of a Fever100 team. It was there that I saw firsthand her heart for God and her heart for people, and was I completely impressed by the way she was always so willing to serve God and serve others, even when it cost her something.

So now, I can really say that I believe in missions, more than ever. In missions, you never know whose lives you'll touch, be they out in the missions field immediately, or back home in Singapore, 23 years down the road.

Yours most gratefully,
Elvin Foong

Saturday, April 10, 2004

The Return of the King (of procrastinators)

Watched The Passion of The Christ 2 times today (don't ask me why, because I'll have to kill you if I tell you). It's really such a powerful movie. Cried pretty badly both times (ok everyone remember this as the first time Elvin's openly and publicly admitting that he cries at movies!) but strangely, cried a lot more the second time I watched it...

Anyhow, I think what really made me cry was the fact that for every stroke of the whip, every hammer of the mallet, every drop of blood shed, was because of me.

My sicknesses gave Him those stripes across His back.

My sin and wickedness hung Him on that old rugged cross.

My guilt and shame put Him in that tomb and rolled the stone across the entrance.

Someone once said this to me. Everytime we sin, we're crucifying Christ all over again.

Sadly, it's nothing more than that. A saying. Useful head knowledge for counselling (other) wayward people. Sometimes, it actually keeps me from sinning. Sometimes.

Watching this show changed my entire perspective. I now imagine myself as the crazy, violent, mocking Roman soldier who whips away at the naked body of Jesus. That's me when I sin? That's right.

I imagine myself shoving that crown of thorns into His tender brow, sharp spikes stabbing into his head. And when I turn up o Sunday and worship, I might as well be the soldier kneeling down in mock worship. That's me when I sin? You bet.

I imagine myself kneeling down beside Him, lifting up the mallet and slamming it down onto the nail placed atop His outstretched palm. (Not too difficult, I get to play a Roman soldier in our Easter production) That's me when I sin? Uh-huh.

I imagine myself, the theif on the cross, punished for my sin, and yet still hurling abuse at Jesus. I imagine myself, the religious leader, spitting at Jesus and telling Him to save Himself. I imagine myself as Judas, betraying the Master with a kiss, for thirty pieces of silver.

I imagine myself as Peter, the Rock. Making all sorts of promises to Jesus. But falling short in the end. Way, way short.

That's me when I sin? Yup.

Everytime I sin, I crucify Christ all over again. Except now it's no longer a saying.

There're pictures to prove it.

This song takes a new meaning for me. Just typing out the lyrics made me tear.

On a hill far away
Stands a tall, mighty tree
Where a boy and girl used to take turns pushing the tyre swing
I remember the pocketknife in hand
And her name in my heart
Thinking there ain't no way for a boy to contain
The love that he feels inside
So I carve her name into my tree
And I carve a heart around the name
And I carved an arrow through the heart
Just to say "I love you"

On a hill far away
Stood an old rugged cross
The emblem of suffering and shame
I remember the nails through My hands
And your name in My heart
And how in their wordless ways those nails express
The love that I feel inside
When I carved Your name into My tree
And I wrapped My heart around your name
And I took your arrow through My heart
Just to say "I love you
I really love You"

Now I can never forget how much you mean to Me
Cos I will always remember whenever I see
Where I carved Your name into My tree
And I wrapped My heart around your name
And I took your arrow through My heart
Just to say "I love you
I really love You"

- Chris Rice, "My Tree"

I can never understand how God could love someone like me.
I will never know what led Him up to Calvary.
I will never comprehend why He would give His life on a cruel tree.
It's all beyond me...

But I'm thankful He did it anyway.

God is good. 8 souls saved for our (me and SL's) combined Big Bang! It was beautiful seeing young people giving their lives to God, and in such a simple way. When Su Linn asked two girls who gave their hearts to Jesus why they put up their hands to receive Jesus when the altar call was given, they replied, "Because I agreed with what you were saying, simple as that." God's in the business of soul-saving. And boy, is He good at it! This is the season, friends. Those who can, bring your loved ones, colleagues, friends to watch The Passion. Pray for their hearts to be open, and let God do what He does best (which is actually pretty much everything, of course, but here I'm talking specifically about touching hearts and changing lives). You'll see a harvest come in.

Alright, gotta go and sleep... long 2 days ahead tomorrow! No wait... long few days ahead cos exams are quite literally around the corner... they're NEXT WEEK! ARGH!! Here's exam timetable if you're praying *hint hint*

13 Apr Historical Variation in English
Urbanization in Southeast Asia

14 Apr Patterns in English: Grammar and Meaning
Making Sense of Society

Nitez people... and pray too for those two weird sores on my forehead AND a very irritating newly-sprouted pimple on my left cheek to GO AWAY! Oh, and while you're at it, pray I get a better barber the next time too... :)

Saturday, March 20, 2004

This Is Where #1 Went

Quotable Quote #1:

"Prayer is the occupation of the soul with needs.
Praise is the occupation of the soul with blessing.
Worship is the occupation of the soul with God Himself."

- As quoted by Bro. Oon in his sermon on worship

Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Planetshakers Rock!

'Nuff said.


For now at least...

Ok what am I doing here in the first place! Supposed to be finishing up my presentation on Shakespeare's use of English in A Midsummer Night's Dream...


No WONDER I'm here.

Quotable quote #2 (where did #1 go? I have no idea): "If you want to find utopia, go to Ethiopia."

Courtesy of our Regional Pastor, Bro. Andrew Chay.

And yes, silly, he meant it as a joke.

Monday, February 09, 2004

I Think I'm Being Watched...

Isn't it funny that once you start, you just can't stop and once you stop, you just can't start?

Haha ok that was for free. Was mulling over whether to drop in lyrics from a song for my second post since my return to BlogLand but then I just watched the Truman Show with my dad on Ch5 and as I was sitting here mulling like I was he just said something that just made me go, hey, bingo! That's what I'll write about! So yes, judos for this entry goes to my dad. Whom I never ever wanna watch another movie with again (this is the thousandth time I'm saying it so obviously I don't really mean it.) Wanna know why? Will save for another blog, propbably the next time I watch another movie with him.

Anyway, I think the Truman Show's one of the best movies I've ever watched in my entire life. It's well-written, well-acted and generally, the whole idea of being the unknowing star of a daytime (and nighttime) soap is just way too interesting and original.

Guess what?

You're the star of one of these too!

I like to imagine God's office kinda like this huge room stacked from wall to wall and floor to ceiling with billions of TVs (kinda justifies my TV addiction, doesn't it?), and every TV represents one of us. God's the director of this movie of our lives. Don't believe me? Check the Bible! It's Jeremiah 29:11! God's got plans for each and everyone of us!

And oh, how He loves each and everyone of us! I can imagine the director in the movie (played superbly by the ever-reliable Ed Harris) developing such a bond with his unknowing star. Watching him from birth, his first steps, his first day at school, his first kiss...

I think God loves us a whole lot more! While this director was content to just watch Truman go through life with all his ups and downs, the other Director decided that we needed help in our lives... and got directly involved on the set of our life story itself by sending His Son Jesus to save us and deliver us from our sins! And here's the best part... He didn't use any special effects! It was all REAL!

Here's what truly blows my mind. The Truman Show had only one star. The director had all his attention (together with the rest of the cast and crew) on Truman. God's watching a coupla billion of us! WOW! And He does it ALL AT THE SAME TIME! Say it again, backwards! WOW! (Thanks Jeremy) Now don't ask me how He does that. You wanna save up some questions for heaven (Thanks Chris Rice). In any case, I don't know how He does it anyway so there's really no point asking me now, is there? :)

Imagine God watching and nodding in approval as you take your first steps. They're unsteady, and after a few you fall flat on your bum. His eyebrows knit together a little tighter and He mumbles, "C'mon... get up. Walk. You can do it." Slowly, you start to climb back to your feet. "That's it. C'mon... up, up, up..." A few more angels gather to watch as slowly, you stand up. "Ok, ok, that's it. Now, walk... walk!" And you put one baby foot infront of the other... and then the other foot... and then the other... and pretty soon you're sprinting. And a big, broad smile breaks out on God's face as the angels hi-five one another in the background and cheer for you.

That's Him laughing heartily as you get your face full of cream from the birthday cake at your 5th birthday. That's Him reaching out His hand to you tenderly when you fell off the bike and scraped your knee when learning how to cycle for the first time. That's Him crying with you when your heart was broken by that girl or guy. That's Him cheering and screaming together with the rest of the angels and waving banners with your name on it when you gave your heart to Him. That's Him grieving when you told a lie. That's Him blushing and yet bursting with pride as He watches you get married. That's Him weeping and mourning with you when your loved ones passed on.

I know I've let my imagination take a bit of stretch, but this the point I want to make. Through every moment of our lives, He's there. Not just watching. He's there with us. Real. Just waiting for us to taste and see that the Lord is good. The Word says He rejoices over us with singing. He delights in us. We are the apple of His eye.

And you know what?

You don't have to be a star, baby, to be in His show.

Somebody's watching that lonely heart inside
Somebody's watching ain't missed a tear you've cried
Somebody's watching even the dark can't hide you
Somebody's watching you
You know that
Somebody's watching you

Somebody's Watching, Chris Rice

Saturday, February 07, 2004

The Return

Heya people.

I'm BAAAACK... hahaha. Ok. Yes, yes, I know it's been a long time but... yes? You over there with your hand raised? You have a question? Sure, go ahead! Can you throw rotten tomatoes at me? Errr... ah I see someone else in the back there has his hand raised. Yes sir, your question? Can you throw week old socks... Yes, you, young lady over there. I see you have your hand raised as well. What's that in your hand? Mouldy bak kwa leftover from Chinese New Year? Oh. LAST year's Chinese New Year. Ok, to the three of you, and to everyone else who has their hands raised. I have just one word for you. NO.

Alright alright. I know it's been a long time since I last blogged. So long that everyone actually remembers the date of my last blog because they find it amazing that I can put off blogging for that long. Well evidently I can, I'm a man of patience and discipline. You, sir, over there. Please. The next time you want to puke, kindly do it in a plastic bag. Thank you. Ok ok, fine, so I've been lazy and the biggest procrastinator on earth. Yes, yes. That's the truth.


Uh huh.

Ok alright alright, stop booing already. And they tell me honesty is the best policy...

SO... anyway, I'm back. It's been a whirlwind 2 months for me. Falling sick right after my return from East Timor, Christmas production, back to school... it's just been total madness. Or at least, I felt it was total madness. After Christmas, I told myslef that I need a break, I DESERVE a break, so that's exactly what I did. Took a break from any forms of work outside of what was neccessary. Or rather, what I felt was neccessary. Some more honesty coming up (ok DON'T BOO, I feel bad enough as it is). Looking back, it's kinda sad cos I think I really wasted my January away. I wasn't bothered about schoolwork, I wasn't bothered about ministry, I wasn't even really bothered about God for a while. I actually thought God wouldn't mind me taking a short break. DUH. Evidently He does mind me taking a break from Him because I've had people reminding and reminding me to firstly: UPDATE MY BLOG. Yup. To those who were constantly chasing and harrassing me to update, thanks. You were all part of the restoration process.

And then I've had people like Sis Lily coming to me and telling me just off the bat that I need to get to work. Ouch. Talk about a reality pinch. And of course, to quote my favourite Psalm: "Where can I go from Your Spirit? Where can I go from Your presence? If I go up to the heavens (evidently, not where I was), You are there; if I make my bed in the depths (that's more like it), You are there. ... How precious to me are Your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them! Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand. When I awake, I am still with You." (Ps. 139:7-8, 17-18) God was always near me to remind me to draw near. But guess that's where Pastor Rick's sermon on Listening to the Voice of God comes in. I always heard, but I seldom listened.

The reminders have been coming hard and fast, but I guess tonight at the J21 rally was really the turning point for me. I've been looking forward to this 'reunion' (so Survivor) for quite a while now, I guess for all the wrong reasons though. Haha. Yup, I couldn't wait to hear that crazy awesome drummer play again! Hahaha... (ok the booing's starting again... sounds like Jason... hahaha KIDDING!) I know it sounds totally warped but hey, it's true. I was looking forward to hearing the band again. And I was looking forward to seeing the COOS/LH East Timor team.

So imagine how I felt when the first thing Cornelius (the worship leader) says is something along the lines of: "You're not here for the worship, for the sermon, for the testimonies. You're here for God." I'm like... woah God... easy on the conscience. And of course, by some absolutely DIVINE appointment, we didn't have a full band on stage! It was an acoustic, mixed-down set and the crazy awesome drummer was nowhere to be seen. Well, well. God 1, Elvin 0.

Watching the video clips and listening to the testimonies of those who went out, I just felt this twinge in my heart... an old, familiar twinge. A tug that I first felt during the J21 conference in December. And I realised what it was. It was the very heartbeat of God. Missions. And then I just saw this picture in my mind... a huge heart (not just the shape, mind you, the biological 3D version of it, with all the aortas and what-nots) linked to many other small hearts, all beating to the same rhythm. And I felt God begin to explain it to me. If we feel our wrists or some point on our necks (dunnow where, forgot all my first aid training), we can feel a pulse. And that pulse is beating IN TANDEM with the heart. In the picture I saw, God's heart is the big heart. Our hearts are the small ones. If we're linked to Him, our hearts will beat IN TANDEM, just like we can feel the pulse elsewhere in our bodies but it beats together with our heart.


And what's God's heartbeat? MISSIONS!

Wow. God 1 million, Elvin 0.

And then Pastor Rick comes up to preach. What does he preach on? Listening ot the Voice of God. How we need to set aside time to listen to the voice of God. How we need to obey, lest God stops talking. The whole sermon can be summarised in 3 words, courtesy of the inspiring blind youth pastor who led a team to Kelantan for Fever100: Listen. Obey. Go. Bam, bam, bam. God's scoring innings like nobody's business.

Well, if that doesn't convince me to really re-focus and come back to God, I really dunno what will. I'm thankful God still speaks to hearts and lives today. He spoke through simple, ordinary people. Friends, leaders, unknown worship leaders, pastors. And because He speaks, I'm back here writing today.

So. Final score: God three thousand and four hundred and fifty two gadzillion quadrillion trillion billion million. Elvin?


Thank God.